We are T minus 5 days until the Wrath of the Lich King comes out. I am so excited and can't wait for this next expansion in the WoW series. I never knew I would be an MMO game lover but this one rocks.
Crazy times at work too. I wont go into detail as it would make most of you bored, but lets just say overtime overtime overtime is really hyping me for our vacation. I'm so ready for a long week off. I will be off for almost two weeks with this vacation and it couldn't come at a better time. I'm trying to stay up on my vitamin c right now as so many at work are starting to come down with colds, etc..I think it's a combo of the weather changing, and being overworked. But I must love it or I wouldn't have lasted as long as I have so far. I have no intention of leaving them either. They will have to fire me to get rid of me. That is the feeling now at least. LOL.
Speaking of vacation we are below two months now. Our countdown on Carnival's site says we are at 50 something days until the cruise, which I get to subtract two from that for when the vacation officially starts. Ian and I both put in our time off requests. We put in for the Friday before the cruise until after the cruise as needing off. Ian's parents will come in on that Friday and then Sat we head out to Galveston for a full filled day of something and then Sunday we Cruise. EEEk.....I'm so psyched. At least work is keeping me busy that this time leading into the cruise is going a lot faster than the previous cruise.
No plans for the holidays as we will be working. We get food catered into work so at least we will be fed well. I will probably get a small ham and the goodies to go with it for Ian and I as well just in case we dont like the catered food. Although from what I heard about it last year, was it was very good. I can't believe Christmas is right around the corner too. This year flew by.
Well, I think I have pretty much went on and off a few different topics and I have to work at 5 am so I'm calling it for now. Bless you if you were able to understand even one bit of my chaos.lol
This will be our daily page to let our friends and family know what is going on in our lives.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Crazy Times
Sorry that my updates have been few and far between lately. I have been extremely busy between work, home stuff and then of course planning and shopping for things for the cruise. I can't believe we are down to two months, and one week left until we head out for Galveston. We are going down the night before and staying at the Hotel Galvez. They luckily took little to no damage when Hurricane Ike came through. We will gladly give them the business and help out Galveston's Economy some. I was so hoping that the cruise ships would be back to Galveston by then and they are officially so very happy about that. Since we are heading out early on that Saturday we might have to pay a visit to Moody Gardens since it has been a while since we have been there. It would be cool to see any new exhibits as well as help stimulate the economy.
I think we are through with cruise shopping. The only things we might have to get still would be some underwater cameras for the Grand Cayman and Cozumel excursions. Other than that I think we are done. The main bummer is my dad is probably not going now and I know my mom was really looking forward to having a very nice vacation with him for a change. Oh well, they can always plan one and go by themselves.
Work has been extremely busy. I enjoy my new position but there are times that it can be so incredibly mind exhasuting with all the research we have to do. Then again that research usually is very rewarding when it's done and we can help the customer out and make their day brighter. Ian seems to like his new job as well. He is already doing quite well after only being on the floor for just over a month now. We have our customer service awards tomorrow so that should be a nice few hours out of the day that I get to spend out of work. This whole week they are doing stuff for us since it's customer service appreciation week. We have a big potluck/pizza party on friday that we get to spend an hour out of queue for so that should be fun. Halloween costume contest, etc. Which brings me to my next point. We got several bags of candy since this year will be our first year in the house and hopefully get a lot of trick or treaters. We are already talking about buying our Christmas tree as well which I can't wait to do. We are going to decorate the outside this year as well too.
I guess that is all the news for now. Hopefully I can get in a better habit and post an update once a week, but don't hold your breath. LOL.
I think we are through with cruise shopping. The only things we might have to get still would be some underwater cameras for the Grand Cayman and Cozumel excursions. Other than that I think we are done. The main bummer is my dad is probably not going now and I know my mom was really looking forward to having a very nice vacation with him for a change. Oh well, they can always plan one and go by themselves.
Work has been extremely busy. I enjoy my new position but there are times that it can be so incredibly mind exhasuting with all the research we have to do. Then again that research usually is very rewarding when it's done and we can help the customer out and make their day brighter. Ian seems to like his new job as well. He is already doing quite well after only being on the floor for just over a month now. We have our customer service awards tomorrow so that should be a nice few hours out of the day that I get to spend out of work. This whole week they are doing stuff for us since it's customer service appreciation week. We have a big potluck/pizza party on friday that we get to spend an hour out of queue for so that should be fun. Halloween costume contest, etc. Which brings me to my next point. We got several bags of candy since this year will be our first year in the house and hopefully get a lot of trick or treaters. We are already talking about buying our Christmas tree as well which I can't wait to do. We are going to decorate the outside this year as well too.
I guess that is all the news for now. Hopefully I can get in a better habit and post an update once a week, but don't hold your breath. LOL.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
I am very sorry this update has been delayed, but there has been a lot going on in our lives lately. First and foremost my family is doing ok in Kingwood. They have a lot of debris, their fence is down and most of the trees in their neighborhood were uprooted. So thank goodness one didn't land on them and kill them. They came up to stay with us Saturday late evening and left yesterday afternoon. Hopefully they get power soon, however it's unlikely. As for my grandmas house from what I understand their neighborhood was hit pretty badly as well. :(
I was given a mini promotion into a different department which I start tomorrow. I now will be working from 5am to 4pm Wed - Sat with Sun/mon/tues off. So, I'm looking forward to that. Its a little scary once you have gotten used to one team to change it up but it happens a lot there so it's ok. It will just make me stronger. Ian is trying to get on a similar shift with a end time of 4pm -5pm.
As for the cruise so looking forward to it. However we need to pay attention to what is happening as our cruise might have a departure from New Orleans instead of Galveston now. We will see what happens once they can assess the damage in Galvestons ship channel and the building they cruise out of. Nothing else new right now. Will update in the future when I get a moment.
I was given a mini promotion into a different department which I start tomorrow. I now will be working from 5am to 4pm Wed - Sat with Sun/mon/tues off. So, I'm looking forward to that. Its a little scary once you have gotten used to one team to change it up but it happens a lot there so it's ok. It will just make me stronger. Ian is trying to get on a similar shift with a end time of 4pm -5pm.
As for the cruise so looking forward to it. However we need to pay attention to what is happening as our cruise might have a departure from New Orleans instead of Galveston now. We will see what happens once they can assess the damage in Galvestons ship channel and the building they cruise out of. Nothing else new right now. Will update in the future when I get a moment.
Monday, August 25, 2008
An Update in the works
I know it has been a while since I have updated this thing. I believe the date of the last post is almost two months old. I have really been slacking on it but I have a good reason for it. I have been extremely busy with work and getting ready for the cruise that I just havent had time. I promise I will post an official update of everything in our world this coming weekend. Until then....
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Last weekend
Jess, Rod and the kiddos came over last saturday. It was quite fun. They got here around10ish and we went to the pool. It was a little warmer so it was better than the previous time they had came over. After spending some time at the pool we came back to the house and Ian BBQ'ed for us. He grilled us up some tasty burgers and hot dogs. Around 2ish, Jess and Rod left for their date while I got to have the two girls to myself as Ian wiped pretty shortly after they left. They were very good for me. Kamrynn didn't even cry except for when she was hungry around 4:30ish so I fed her a bottle and her baby food Jess left for her. I am going to start calling Kierra a cheese monster as she had quite a few string cheeses while she was here. I got a few pictures of them that I will share in a bit. Jess, and the two girls are going to spend the weekend with us July 25th so I'm looking forward to that. We plan on doing some more BBQ, go to the pool and just relax with them. Kierra's birthday party is coming up quick too. Ian and I are going this weekend to get her gift after we go to the movie on saturday.
We have officially reached under 200 days left to go until the cruise. I think we are going to book one of our excursions next weekend as you just put a deposit down for the all inclusive beach day in Cozumel. I'm still looking at dress's for our formal night. I had found the one I loved and might still get it if I can't find something else locally that is a little cheaper. I just can't fathom spending over a certain amount on a dress I will only wear when I have to dress up for something. I'm hoping in August/sept when they start putting out the fall lines I will be able to pick up something then. Pictures up next...
Kamrynn sitting up in the bear chair

Kierra painting her pricess doll for the wall of initals we have
We have officially reached under 200 days left to go until the cruise. I think we are going to book one of our excursions next weekend as you just put a deposit down for the all inclusive beach day in Cozumel. I'm still looking at dress's for our formal night. I had found the one I loved and might still get it if I can't find something else locally that is a little cheaper. I just can't fathom spending over a certain amount on a dress I will only wear when I have to dress up for something. I'm hoping in August/sept when they start putting out the fall lines I will be able to pick up something then. Pictures up next...
Kamrynn sitting up in the bear chair
Kierra painting her pricess doll for the wall of initals we have
Saturday, June 14, 2008
OMG a post...LOL
Good morning! It has been a while once again since we have posted in this thing. Life has been pretty busy lately between working and then living our day to day life. I recently had my shift at work change slightly. I am now mon-fri same hours of 4pm to 1am but now I have two days off with Ian instead of just one. Ian recentely took vacation and enjoyed his time off. He got some projects done around the homestead that he has been needing to do. He fixed the wobbly toilet in our guest bathroom. It still is a project in the works as we are trying best how to make the base of the toilet look pretty with a ton of concrete around it. LOL. I will post pictures later regarding this. My sister, BIL and two nieces are on their way over as I type this. We are going swimming, then going to BBQ. Then later they are going on a date while we babysit the munchkins. I'm excited. Other than that life is good for us.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
News, news and more news
Greetings my bored readers. Sorry I haven't updated you in a while. We have been pretty busy with housework, yardwork and work. See where this is going. A lot of work stuff. LOL. Which is leading me up to my first big news post. We have decided to take a cruise for our anniversary in Jan. There is a carnival cruise leaving out of Galvestion, TX on Jan 4th and it's a 7 nighter. We will be stopping off at montego Bay, Grand Cayman and of course Cozumel. I'm so excited. They were having a big sale on Thursday so we splurged and we are doing a balcony room this time around. I'm so excited about that. We have already started thinking about our excursions and so far have decided upon s snorkeling expedition in Grand Cayman where you get the barrier reef there, the stingray city where you snorkel with stingrays, and one other snorkel spot. In Cozumel we are deciding between a beach day with all you can drink and eat fun or going to Xel-hal for snorkeling as well. Since that is what Cozumel is all about. We will probably just do some shooping at the cruise terminal area in Montego Bay since we will be in the sun a lot on the last two days, we don't want to burn and not want to do the stuff at the last two stops. My parents are probably coming on the cruise as well after hearing about the killer deals. And my brother and his girlfriend are possibly booking this as well. I know Ian's parents are probably coming as well, so it will fun. We can do stuff together or go our seperate ways which is one thing I love about cruising.We will have formal night, the night of our anniversary so I'm looking forward to that. We will definitely get dressed up and go this time. I'm already thinking about shopping for some things since when it gets closer to cruise time it will be winter and the summer stuff will no longer be out.
Next bit of news. My sister, BIL and two nieces move on Tuesday to Ft. Hood so they will be maybe an hour away from us. I'm looking forward to them being closer so I can get to see them a lot more often. i will have to watch it as I don't want them getting sick of me and regret living closer. I can also babysit for them when they need or want to go out on a date. I can't wait.
Work is still going well. I'm enjoying it and I'm getting better at it. My numbers improve and I get a lot of positive feedback from the customers. So I'm happy about that. Other than that, all is good in Faas World. Until next time
PS..here is a countdown to our cruise so I can look at it and see where we are at.
Next bit of news. My sister, BIL and two nieces move on Tuesday to Ft. Hood so they will be maybe an hour away from us. I'm looking forward to them being closer so I can get to see them a lot more often. i will have to watch it as I don't want them getting sick of me and regret living closer. I can also babysit for them when they need or want to go out on a date. I can't wait.
Work is still going well. I'm enjoying it and I'm getting better at it. My numbers improve and I get a lot of positive feedback from the customers. So I'm happy about that. Other than that, all is good in Faas World. Until next time
PS..here is a countdown to our cruise so I can look at it and see where we are at.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
The Great Escape
Where to begin...
We have been having issues with the Ford Ranger, and after much debate we decided to get a new car. We wanted to replace the truck with a truck. As luck would have it, we could find nothing in our area that had what we wanted on it..let me rephrase that...that Ian wanted...While at work and on lunch Tammy found an internet ad for a 08 Ford Escape that sounded good. So she called Ian and had him check it out as well. The dealership was closed already so we were going to have to wait until the morning to find out specifics.
The following morning, while we were eating breakfast in the McDonalds, in the Walmart before grocery shopping, the dreary eyed Taminator got the brilliant idea that we should call because she had the phone number scribbled on her hand. While Ian was looking at Gun solvent, Tammy was able to get a hold of the internet sales man who informed her that it had a 4 cylinder/ and was MANUAL, yeah you read that right, manual on an SUV,it was a dream come true. She informed the salesman that they would be up there in about an hour to take a look at it.
After a very fast grocery run, they unpacked the goodies, and were back on the road to the dealership. When our salesman took us out to look at one of two on the lot that we could get at that price, we were impressed. The gas milage was the same that the ranger gets. He showed us some of the goodies and Ian asked if we could test drive it. He got it up to 70 with no issues, go figure right, on a back road, and it purred like a kitty. After a successful test drive we decided to go forward with seeing how much he could get us into it for. After hearing the numbers, we were sold.
While waiting on it to be detailed, we walked over to Rudys and had some yummy BBQ, and just chit chatted. So on to the pictures...
We have been having issues with the Ford Ranger, and after much debate we decided to get a new car. We wanted to replace the truck with a truck. As luck would have it, we could find nothing in our area that had what we wanted on it..let me rephrase that...that Ian wanted...While at work and on lunch Tammy found an internet ad for a 08 Ford Escape that sounded good. So she called Ian and had him check it out as well. The dealership was closed already so we were going to have to wait until the morning to find out specifics.
The following morning, while we were eating breakfast in the McDonalds, in the Walmart before grocery shopping, the dreary eyed Taminator got the brilliant idea that we should call because she had the phone number scribbled on her hand. While Ian was looking at Gun solvent, Tammy was able to get a hold of the internet sales man who informed her that it had a 4 cylinder/ and was MANUAL, yeah you read that right, manual on an SUV,it was a dream come true. She informed the salesman that they would be up there in about an hour to take a look at it.
After a very fast grocery run, they unpacked the goodies, and were back on the road to the dealership. When our salesman took us out to look at one of two on the lot that we could get at that price, we were impressed. The gas milage was the same that the ranger gets. He showed us some of the goodies and Ian asked if we could test drive it. He got it up to 70 with no issues, go figure right, on a back road, and it purred like a kitty. After a successful test drive we decided to go forward with seeing how much he could get us into it for. After hearing the numbers, we were sold.
While waiting on it to be detailed, we walked over to Rudys and had some yummy BBQ, and just chit chatted. So on to the pictures...
Friday, March 7, 2008
Sorry it's been a while since I have posted an update. Things have been crazy busy with us. We only get one full day off together and the last 3 weeks we have been busy doing something on our Sunday. Wether it be to get lawnstuff such as a lawn mower/edger/hose/water sprinkler - to going to the rodeo like we did last Sunday. We did not like the Austin rodeo. It is very pale in comparison when you have been to the largest - IE: Houstons.
I'm really enjoying work so far. I have been officially at it for a little over a month now and it's getting easier as time goes on. I can't wait to be made full time. There is a lot of growth in the company which I'm super excited about. I have never felt this way about a job ever. As you all know I'm not really allowed to talk about it, just know that I'm enjoying work which not a lot of people can say about their job. Most people say, it's a paycheck and thats the only thing good about it. Not me!
My parents are supposed to come visit not this coming weekend but the following. They are coming up on Sunday the 16th and will go home on Monday the 17th. We are going to treat them to Dukes BBQ which we have recently discovered. We have loved pretty much everything we have tried so far which is a few things. So, everyone be prepared, if you come visit us, you will probably be taken there one night during your stay with us. It's pretty damn good BBQ.
Mistophelee's is doing well. We recently bought her a carpeted window perch that we have in the office that she loves to sit on and look outside from, as well as take MANY cat naps through the day. She is definitely getting older because she sleeps more than she ever has before.
I think that about sums it all up. We are just enjoying life right now and the extra money we are able to put away/ as well as to have some extra to spend is definitely nice.
Hope everyone is doing ok.
tammy and ian
I'm really enjoying work so far. I have been officially at it for a little over a month now and it's getting easier as time goes on. I can't wait to be made full time. There is a lot of growth in the company which I'm super excited about. I have never felt this way about a job ever. As you all know I'm not really allowed to talk about it, just know that I'm enjoying work which not a lot of people can say about their job. Most people say, it's a paycheck and thats the only thing good about it. Not me!
My parents are supposed to come visit not this coming weekend but the following. They are coming up on Sunday the 16th and will go home on Monday the 17th. We are going to treat them to Dukes BBQ which we have recently discovered. We have loved pretty much everything we have tried so far which is a few things. So, everyone be prepared, if you come visit us, you will probably be taken there one night during your stay with us. It's pretty damn good BBQ.
Mistophelee's is doing well. We recently bought her a carpeted window perch that we have in the office that she loves to sit on and look outside from, as well as take MANY cat naps through the day. She is definitely getting older because she sleeps more than she ever has before.
I think that about sums it all up. We are just enjoying life right now and the extra money we are able to put away/ as well as to have some extra to spend is definitely nice.
Hope everyone is doing ok.
tammy and ian
Friday, February 1, 2008
My first week
I just thought I would jump on and let everyone know how my first week went. I feel like I have been crammed with a lot of information in my head but it's retaining itself pretty well. LOL. I think once I start doing it I will like it, and it will come easy to me. Only time will tell. Not much else going on with us. Just enjoying being off and having some time over the weekend to be with Ian. Everyone go, "Awwwwwwww" now. I did get a change in my shift slightly. Still have the same days off, but I got moved to 4pm-1 AM so I am going to have to teach my body to be a night person again which might not go well since Ian's at a 6:30 - 3:30 shift now. Oh well. Hope everyone has a great weekend and I will check back in next week.
Monday, January 21, 2008
News and Our visit with my sister and her family.
It has been awhile since I updated this so I thought I would come in and give an update. I recently got a position as a customer service support and I start this position on monday the 28th. I'm really looking forward to it because it sounds like something right up my alley. I might end up with a crazy shift but that's ok because it's something I have a feeling I will like. Besides that, with some hard work, they could give me a pick of shifts in the future.
We went up to Jessica's this past weekend to visit and meet our new niece. She is just too precious. Kierra warmed up to Ian pretty fast which shocked all of us. It would be so cute, Ian would go hide, and Kierra would say, Ian's hiding, lets go find him. Or if he was playing with her, she would be like, ian's gonna get me. It was pretty funny to watch. She has grown quite a bit since I last saw her. Kamrynn(probably misspelled her name) is so precious. She is a good baby. Ian and I babysat her and Kierra on Friday night so jess and Rod could go on a real date. She would sleep for a little bit, and then wake up. She has really started to make some smiling faces and you could just watch her for hours. Pictures up next. I didn't get too many because I was more interested in visiting and holding the new one, than taking them.

We went up to Jessica's this past weekend to visit and meet our new niece. She is just too precious. Kierra warmed up to Ian pretty fast which shocked all of us. It would be so cute, Ian would go hide, and Kierra would say, Ian's hiding, lets go find him. Or if he was playing with her, she would be like, ian's gonna get me. It was pretty funny to watch. She has grown quite a bit since I last saw her. Kamrynn(probably misspelled her name) is so precious. She is a good baby. Ian and I babysat her and Kierra on Friday night so jess and Rod could go on a real date. She would sleep for a little bit, and then wake up. She has really started to make some smiling faces and you could just watch her for hours. Pictures up next. I didn't get too many because I was more interested in visiting and holding the new one, than taking them.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Chrsitmas/decorating update
We are back to finally update after our first Christmas in our new home. Ian's parent's came in the Friday before Christmas and brought us all kinds of goodies for decorating/storage/working surfaces. It was a great visit. We cooked up a ham/kaiser potato's(something that my grandpa on my dad's side came up with and has been handed down)/cranberry salad(this was his mom's side of the family's recipe via his grandpa)/mac and cheese/salad/rolls/etc. We also decorated our first letters for our visitor's wall. You will see what I mean in a few pictures. Any person that comes for a visit we are buying your first initial for you to paint when you come to visit for the first time. You can decorate it however you like and then when it dries you hang it up below our "Welcome to our home" sign. It's your way to leave an imprint on our home. Back to the main story. After my grandma,sister,mom and nephew stayed with us, we messed with the garage and moved in most of the furniture that Ian's parents brought down for us. On to the pictures.
Ian, his mom, and dad coming to the dinner table

pictures of the feast for Christmas dinner

The visitor's wall

Ian's work system

Ian's play station in the left corner and my big desk in the front

another view of my desk with the filing cabinet

the mantle now that Christmas is over




Ian's car display
Ian, his mom, and dad coming to the dinner table
pictures of the feast for Christmas dinner
The visitor's wall
Ian's work system
Ian's play station in the left corner and my big desk in the front
another view of my desk with the filing cabinet
the mantle now that Christmas is over
Ian's car display
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