Saturday, December 19, 2009

Happy Holidays!

Greetings to all of our blog readers! First we want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year. Yes, I know that is early but as we are working both holidays and how crazy things have been around here I figured I better do it earlier than later...hehe....

We had our annual chritmas party last night. We had such a blast. They gave away some really nice things to in the raffle. Of course the Faas curse continues and neither of us won anything. We had a great time and that is really what matters. I won't go into a lot of detail here, but lets just say, fun fun fun!

We booked our vacation finally. We are going on another cruise to the caribbean. We set sail on Jan 24th and will be back on Jan 31st. We put in for the saturday prior through the wed after off this time. This way, we can have a shorter work week when we get back because lets face it after you are on vacaion, going back to work is tough! We will be doing the Royal Caribbean's Voyager of the Seas cruise to Roatan, Costa Maya and Cozumel. We plan on snorkeling in Cozumel and will just shop in Roatan and Costa Maya probably. Then again we might choose to do snorkeling in Roatan and shopping in Costa Maya and Cozumel instead. We still need to work those details out.

I think that about sums it up for now.


Monday, November 23, 2009


Good morning!

I know it's been awhile since I last posted but once again times are truely crazy in the Faas household. We have finally started to heal after losing Mistophelees. So I thought it would be nice to come and post something upbeat after the last sad news. Things are going really well for both Ian and I. We both had birthdays in the last two months. Crazy how time truely does speed up each year after celebrating a birthday. I can't believe it's almost December. We will be working through the holidays this year again. We received our year end reviews and both received good marks. I was a tenth of a point off of a 4 and the highest you can get is a 5 so I'm pleased. I received almost a dollar raise because of my good performance. I have been put up for the next tier at our work so I have been attending training classes to get me prepped for the test we have to pass in order to officially be promoted up. Once that happens it means I will be taking on more responisibilites and will actually get to help out with the coaching of my fellow team members to help improve their scores. So, I'm a little nervous about that because they will looking at me and how well I do that by measuring the results of the team's survey scores, etc. I am looking forward to this new title but first have to pass the tests. This will likely take place in Jan.

Speaking of Jan, Ian and I will be celebrating 8 yers on Jan 5th. It's a tuesday so we are off of work automatically with our current schedule. We will probably go out to dinner and maybe a movie that night. We will be taking a trip probably the first or second week of Feb. We have postponed our usual Jan trip till then because of not knowing when exactly the tests will be scheduled just yet. We are debating between two trips. One would be a 7 night cruise on Royal Caribbean's Voyager of the Seas out of Galvesto. She does two different routes, with every other week alternating between Cozumel, Grand Caymen, and Montego Bay. The other goes to Costa Maya, Cozumel and Roatan. For those of you that don't know of Roatan, it's supposed to be some of the best snorkeling in the world. It's an island off of Honduras if I'm not mistaken. The other two things we have debated against would be a week in Cozumel at an all inclusive resort instead of cruising there. We really love that town and it would be nice to spend a week there to really explore it and see some of the nightlife even. The other would be going to Las Vegas for 5 nights and seeing some of the shows that great city has to offer. We have only been once before and it was just for two nights, so it would be great to spend more time there.

So we have a lot to think about in the coming weeks. We plan on making our decision in December after we see how much our bonus checks are worth. We have set a certain budget for our trip as we would like to put half of the bonus back into savings. We have our holiday christmas party coming up as well on December 19th. They are having it at the same place as they did last year, so we are really looking forward to it. It was a blast last year. We got a room again for the night so we wouldn't have to worry about having a drink or two and then driving home afterwards. Plus it puts us closer to work which is always a good thing.

I think that about sums it up for us right now. I hope to get on a more regular once a week posting again but we will see.


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

RIP Mistopheles

I know it had been an extremely long time since I updated this blog but we have been busy. We had a very sad day yesterday. We took our beloved cat, Mistopheles to the vet as she had not been eating very well and just was not herself. So after researching we found what seems to be a friendly vet hospital. They did an evaluation of her from listening to her heart, looking in her ears, etc. Then asked us what our concerns were. After doing some blood work and a urinanalysis(sp?), they came back to us with some bad news. Her kidney had went into failure and there was nothing we could do. They said it was toxic and irreverisble at this point. They were very kind and empatheic beyond words. They gave us all the time in the world to be with her and even told us we could take her home for one last night if we would like to. However we knew that would just drag it on and were already very upset and did not want to drag it out just for us. Although now in hindsight it might have been nice to have had some time with her in her home setting where she would have been more confortable. Then again, it wouldn't have been easy to take her in this morning to be put down. That is probably one of the hardest things I have gone through. She was our first pet and was a great pet. She will be missed. For those of you that never got the chance to meet her, she was a one of a kind. She had a lot of personality and at the same time loved to be loved on. She would come sit in your lap and wanted your hand to be on her giving her some affection. We always thought she was part dog too because she sure loved to play fetch. I had these fuzzy pink house shoes and Ian would toss one and here she would come with it back and she would have to walk funny because it was so much bigger than her. We plan on making a stepping stone with her initail on it and putting it underneath the front window in the bushes as we would come home from work and that is where she would be waiting for us. Well, it was either in that window or on the chair's armrest facing the front door. We will both miss her. We both had a hard night as it was hard to adjust with her not being here. She would love to come in and lay at our feet in bed or curl up in the crook of the leg. She loved laying on my chest if I was laying on my back in bed too. I think that is enough sadness for now. I will end this with some pictures of her for those of you that knew and loved her and for those of you that never met her.