Sunday, February 13, 2011

Update to the cruise

We went out to celebrate Valentines Day on Friday night and we did a lot of talking. We decided that it would be smarter to see if we could change the week of the Mariner cruise to Jan. If we did the November one we would have no time to take a vacation or day off in between now and the cruise. So this way we can take a week in July to possibly see my sister and family in Arizona and then take the cruise in Jan. We would still have plenty of time to save up a week's worth of time for Jan.

So we switched today after researching the various itneraries on the Mariner in Jan. We opted to go with the 6 night leaving on Jan 2nd, 2012. This will allow us to celebrate 10 years of being married to each other while on the cruise. We will have a sea day and then be in Costa Maya, then on our anniversary we will be in Belize, and on friday be in Cozumel. We get long days in each port which is awesome. Normally you have short days which sucks but we will get 10 hours in Belize and Cozumel.

Then we will save time for Septemberish for the Alaska cruise. We are waiting on those itenraries to come out still. Should be around the week of April 12th. I can't wait.

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