Thursday, July 14, 2011

Daydreaming at work

I should so be working on tickets right now but I'm caught in a daydream about our upcoming magical trip to the land of the mouse.

We hit the 10 days to go mark which means tomorrow we are officially in the single digits. WOO HOO!!!! I also got to do the online check in with the website so I could specify any room requests, any special occasions we are celebrating, etc. As our dating anniversary would be next month, we decided to mark it as celebrating our anniversary. It would be 12 years in August since Ian and I started to date. Can't believe how fast time flies by. Then of course we have our 10 year wedding anniversary in Jan. We will be on the cruise for that celebration. Next year will be filled with two cruises actually. We will be doing the one in Jan and then we decided on the Disney cruise that sets sail on Oct 27th as that would be a week after my birthday when Blizzcon usually is which would make it hard to take off and we would get a Halloween celebration on the cruise so that will make it fun and unique.

Back to the upcoming trip. We managed to speak with our manager and we are working a modified Saturday before we fly out. So on Sat, 23rd we will work from 10 AM to 7 PM. We will have a lot to get done after work and hopefully get in bed by 11 at the latest. We have to be up early to drive to the airport on Sunday.

I plan on taking both the digital camera and the flip video camera so we can document our travel. I'm so freaking excited that I'm not even jealous of my brother and sister in law's cruise. Although I normally would. I found out recently they are going on a cruise leaving monday for 5 nights on the smaller carnival ship out of Galveston. Honestly that is the best way to do your first cruise. I know it's Hans's, but I don't know about Liz's. It made it so it's just long enough to know if you like the cruising life or if you don't you get off the boat two days earlier than most trips go for.

I hope they have fun because I would love for them to potentially join us in Jan still for the cruise to celebrate our wedding anniversary and Hans's birthday. We shall see. I have a feeling it will be just us but that's ok...We had a blast on the one we went on completely by ourselves.

Ok..I really better get back to work. I just had a day dreaming moment and I had to share...I am much better now...


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