Monday, August 27, 2012

Upping our game

Have you ever had one of those mornings that it's tough to get out of bed? Well that was us today. We just didn't want to get out of bed this morning. We finally did around 10 AM and hit the pool. Once we got back from the pool we had lunch and then Ian had to head to work.

We are going to get up and get back on track tomorrow for our walking regimen. We are going to add on a 1/2 mile tomorrow and if all goes well we might keep walking and get it to 2 miles instead.

This is going to be a crazy week at work so hopefully it flies by for us. I am so happy that August is just about over. Although next month is going to be crazy for us so not looking forward to that.

I am anxious for the fall weather to start coming here as well. Who doesn't love one of those first fronts that come in and have the highs be around 75ish and the lows around 50. Perfect weather for a nice walk, some yummy oatmeal and a nice hot cup of coffee. hehe. I am a big fan of the pumpkin spice lattes at Starbucks and love the fall weather for this reason. They usually start serving them in September so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we will see them soon. Ian has requested a pumpkin pie for his birthday cake so of course I will honor his request. Mmmmmm

Not much else to report on right now.

Take care!


Sunday, August 19, 2012

Men are from Mars and....

So everyone knows that catch phrase in life and I really believe it sometimes. For example, why is it that men lose weight about ten times faster than women do. They have to be partial alien inside. Men tend to lose weight in their bellies, legs, etc where women tend to lose it in the boobs or face first.

I know it has to do with our makeups and what not but it can be frustrating. Now don't get me wrong I have gone down a pant size recently but sheesh, I don't feel like there is any difference yet. I am also having that monthly visitor so I know I'm bloated and likely why I feel this way today.

We will be hitting up the rec center in the morning to do our workout. Hopefully everything goes well and we are able to get a solid hour workout in. Which reminds me...I need to go download some music for my Ipod for tomorrow.

We have a nice mini vacation coming up in a few weeks too. Ian will be off for almost a full week lucky duck. I will be off just two along with my two days for the weekend. Mama and Papa Faas are coming to visit us so we are looking forward to it. Nothing major planned but it will be nice to see them again.

Then in October we will be off for a long weekend again for my birthday. Hopefully my parents are coming to visit but we will go to them if we have to. Not much else going on right now. Just work work work and trying to do our walks every other day as planned. Tomorrow I am going to do 30 mins of cardio and 30 of weights I think unless the weights are busy. Then I will do a 30 min walk.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Expedition Everest Count down clock

some changes to our training plans

Good evening everyone!!! So we have some slight changes to our training plans. I overdid the walking yesterday morning and got so overheated, it caused me to get dehydrated and sick to my stomach. So if we get up in the morning if it's superhot, I will be doing my walking inside on the treadmill instead of outdoors.

We have decided to wait and do the 5k in May instead of Jan to get more time to gear up for it because 4 months would be to short to do this smart. I got some new walking shoes, shorts and socks for this so hopefully they all help us. Then I have my dr appt in October so it will give me more time to be on meds as well. I'm sure I will be put on some thyroid meds since I have a very slow thyroid.

That will help us get to a good position for the May one. The one in may is called the Expedition Everest Challenge. It's an obstacle and scavenger hunt 5k in the Animal Kingdom park. They have a fun after party too where we can actually ride Expedition Everest in the dark which sounds like a blast to me.

The May one is on May 4, 2013. They have the Epcot garden festival around then too so we should get to see some of the pretty topiary's they do for this specifically which will be neat. We will probably head to the world the Monday or Tuesday before the race and stay for a week. I know Ian's been bugging me to check out Islands of Adventure too so we might add a day to go over and see this park and check out the area they opened up for Harry Potter. Like he would have to twist my arm too much for that. hehe.

So it looks like Jan will be just a week off with a few days spent at Sea World instead of going for the 5k at Disney.

However things can always change as you know they do with us. Stay tuned for any new updates.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Feeling good about life

I am sure many are curious about this title and what is the meaning behind it. We have made some changes at home with food and started our new exercise regimen. I was really dreading getting up as early as we did today to go for a mile walk. However once we got going it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

We did a mile right at 20 minutes. We want to get that to about 16 mins and do 3 miles at that pace for a 5k in Jan we might do. It will depend on what the money situation looks like in a few weeks if we do the Jan one or not. If we can't do that one we will do one in May instead. Either way it's nice to have something to achieve and that always makes you feel good when you can hit it. For our 1st day starting it though I was pleasantly surprised at our pace. I'm sure Ian could have done it quicker but he went with me at my pace.

We are on a every other day training cycle and on the off days we will go to the pool and swim while we can. If we get to join the rec center we can swim every day for sure once it gets cold.

Work is going ok right now. I pick up an hour of overtime on the days Ian and I get to ride in together, so I'm getting about 8 hours for every paycheck. That extra money is helping us out too. I have been trying to work on improving the amount of calls I take each hour and there are some good days and some bad days. It really depends on the caller too and I know that. I need to cut back on the chit chat when the call is pretty much completed and that would help some. But it's so easy to talk to them and most of our callers are friendly.

Not much else to speak about. I will post this countdown ticker to our anniversary and possible trip. Even thought we don't know for sure just yet what that will be. It's good to watch something count down.

I will post it in the next post all by itself.