Sunday, August 19, 2012

Men are from Mars and....

So everyone knows that catch phrase in life and I really believe it sometimes. For example, why is it that men lose weight about ten times faster than women do. They have to be partial alien inside. Men tend to lose weight in their bellies, legs, etc where women tend to lose it in the boobs or face first.

I know it has to do with our makeups and what not but it can be frustrating. Now don't get me wrong I have gone down a pant size recently but sheesh, I don't feel like there is any difference yet. I am also having that monthly visitor so I know I'm bloated and likely why I feel this way today.

We will be hitting up the rec center in the morning to do our workout. Hopefully everything goes well and we are able to get a solid hour workout in. Which reminds me...I need to go download some music for my Ipod for tomorrow.

We have a nice mini vacation coming up in a few weeks too. Ian will be off for almost a full week lucky duck. I will be off just two along with my two days for the weekend. Mama and Papa Faas are coming to visit us so we are looking forward to it. Nothing major planned but it will be nice to see them again.

Then in October we will be off for a long weekend again for my birthday. Hopefully my parents are coming to visit but we will go to them if we have to. Not much else going on right now. Just work work work and trying to do our walks every other day as planned. Tomorrow I am going to do 30 mins of cardio and 30 of weights I think unless the weights are busy. Then I will do a 30 min walk.

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