Sunday, November 18, 2012

So many choices

There are so many from our anniversary trip in Jan. I think we are resorting more and more to either just going close by to sea world/six flags in San Antonio now.

The other options are some of the various cruises that leave out of Galveston. All of them still have cabins and we recently noted the Disney one has dropped majorly in prices. The guaranteed rooms are only 1500 for the both of us right now and it's an 8 night cruise. Plus we hear the shows on it are amazing, and the food is yummy as well.

We are still waiting until we see how much we have left over from our Christmas bonus checks before making that decision. If a cabin is not available then it wasn't meant to be.

Ian is taking a half day tomorrow so he will be home at 7:30ish and plan on cooking dinner. I love having days off together even if it's only a half day. We have our walk to do tomorrow as well. We are going to push for the 3.2 miles which is two laps around our park we take the doggie too. I hardly had any calf pain when we did the one lap last week so it's time to increase the distance once more. =)

Not much else is going on with us. Just wanted to give an update to everyone. If I don't post again before Thanksgiving, I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. We love you all and are really thankful we have you in our lives. /hug

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