Saturday, February 2, 2013


So today was our first 5K. We did it in a time of about a 20 minute per mile. So not terrible but not our goal of 15 mins per mile. I was so proud of us when they called our names and numbers when we crossed the finish line. I had actual tears in my eyes because it's something we had been working up to and to complete it and not be dead last. Heck yeah...we will take it.

They took a bunch of pics on the course so once they are posted tomorrow I will link the pictures in here. If it's not terrible I will probably buy one.

Not much else to report on. Time for my shower!


Dreamingof03 - Heather said...

So proud of you both. I need to take a page from your book!

Dreamingof03 - Heather said...

So proud of you both. I need to take a page from your book!

Dreamingof03 - Heather said...

So proud of you both. I need to take a page from your book!