Monday, August 27, 2012

Upping our game

Have you ever had one of those mornings that it's tough to get out of bed? Well that was us today. We just didn't want to get out of bed this morning. We finally did around 10 AM and hit the pool. Once we got back from the pool we had lunch and then Ian had to head to work.

We are going to get up and get back on track tomorrow for our walking regimen. We are going to add on a 1/2 mile tomorrow and if all goes well we might keep walking and get it to 2 miles instead.

This is going to be a crazy week at work so hopefully it flies by for us. I am so happy that August is just about over. Although next month is going to be crazy for us so not looking forward to that.

I am anxious for the fall weather to start coming here as well. Who doesn't love one of those first fronts that come in and have the highs be around 75ish and the lows around 50. Perfect weather for a nice walk, some yummy oatmeal and a nice hot cup of coffee. hehe. I am a big fan of the pumpkin spice lattes at Starbucks and love the fall weather for this reason. They usually start serving them in September so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we will see them soon. Ian has requested a pumpkin pie for his birthday cake so of course I will honor his request. Mmmmmm

Not much else to report on right now.

Take care!


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