Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Almost Turkey Time!

So excited to get to go to Kingwood and see my family there. We will get to meet the newest addition to the family as well, our niece, Alice.

Work has been crazy slow for us. We are so on top of our queue they have been letting people leave early. I managed to snag a spot today and was able to come home at like 3pmish. I told them that I had no PTO to use as the PTO that is in the work tool is being used in Jan for our vacation. Well I thought they understood that I can't use the PTO and have since found out if it's there they have to use it. I wish this could have been maybe a little clearer as I thought since my time was in theory used that I didnt have any to spare so they wouldn't deduct it. So needless to say I'm a little concerned over how everything will work out for our vacation time.

Best case scenario is since I'm on a 4x 10 shift for our holiday shutdown pay, those on these types of shifts would get 40 hours of shutdown pay as others would get 32 hours as they work 8 hour shifts. If this happens and we get to either have 40 hours paid to us or we can elect to use them as holiday hours, which is what Ian and I plan to use. I will be ok. That would cover my leaving early today.

If on the other hand we only get 32 hours, then I will likely have to work the friday before we fly out for Disney and get to keep the remaining parts of the vacation the same.

I sent my manager an email letting them know I would no longer put my name in the mix to get sent home early just to avoid any confusion. They were thinking it would be ok as I get float as well at the start of the new year. However I had to inform them that all our vacation hours including float/holiday shutdown and vacation were going into the 80 we need for our two week vacation.

We are supposed to be getting information from the HR team soon to let us know about how we can use those shutdown hours. They usually offer to pay it out on the last paycheck of December or you can elect to have it carried over into next year to use as time off. We all know how Ian and I are using it.

I now see I should have clairifed some things with my manager before I agreed to take the leave early today...but it's done and over with now and nothing I can do to change it.

On the plus side I now get an extra 10 hours of pay thanks to them having to take out my leave early from my PTO today. So the ten I get on Thursday will be extra instead of covering for todays hours....lol.

Poor Ian..I have been a constant mess lately because of not knowing how the shutdown was going to work as we hadn't heard anything. Finally got an email letting us know we were getting it. Now we are just waiting for the last email that tells us how to let them know we want it as time to take off so we can get that last piece of the puzzle in.

The only last thing that is causing me a headache is some of my team members showed Thursday and Friday as being 10 hours of pay which is what is should be. But my tool was only showing 8 hours. Our manager will not be in for another week as they are on vacation. So hopefully my senior will know who I need to hit up if it's not fixed on Sat as that is our last payday. I don't want to be screwed out of any money. LOL...

What's funny is my other holidays for the rest of the year such as Christmas and New years show 10 but not this one.

Hopefully I can just relax and enjoy my long weekend. Don't have to go back to work until Sat.

I guess that is enough blabbering now. I know this post was a mess but I was just needing to vent about some things and just air it out.

Only two months until vacation as I let out a sigh of relief.


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